A Short Guide How to Not Be an Ass and How to Follow Proper LinkedIn Etiquette

1. Don't cold pitch about your product in the fist message you send.

Why: Nobody asked, so it's probably sh**t.
So what to do instead?
Say something like: "I quite liked your recent post, would love to stay connected"
2. Don't say: "We have common connections, let's connect"

Why: The sting may not be immediately noticed, but the outcome will definitely become more irritable in days to come.
So what to do?
Instead of seeking fresh blood to suck, think of what the target person would BENEFIT from being in the same room with you. If you can't figure that out, buzz off.
3. Don't ask somebody you never met before for a 15min exploratory call next week

Why: No one wants your uninvited cold sale spew.
So what to do?
First find out if there is any INTEREST in what you provide, then ask if they want to have a conversation. Otherwise, it's very revolting.
4. Don't hashtag and tag random people en masse.

Why: All you do is creating a pile of muck. 😖 Yuck.
So what to do instead?
Doing it for views and likes will annoy everyone including the algorithm gods. So use not more than 5 hashtags and only tag people who have direct interest in what you share. Just a FEW and ONLY if you must.
5. Don't flood the system with thousands of words, attachments and links via unsolicited messages.

Why: It's unpleasant and it stinks.
So what to do instead?
Be concise, small pieces of content flow much better. And more importantly, send further information ONLY when PROMPTED.
6. Don't invent and post untrue stories

Why: They'll make you look ridiculous and fake.
So what to do instead?
Be genuine. At source of every valuable relationship, including those on social networks, lays TRUST. Without it, you have no chance.
7. Don't try to offend and make fun of others

Why: It'll make you an even bigger ass.
So what to do instead?
Everyone strives for sympathy. SUPPORT and HELP others whenever you can.
Would you like to find out more of proper LinkedIn etiquette?
To learn (almost) everything that is important about LinkedIn Etiquette, Lead Generation, Content Creation, Social Selling, Polls, Events, Branding and Social Engagement with potential customer then here is your chance to do it:

My forthcoming free webinar won’t teach you everything about Social Selling but it’s a good start: CLICK HERE
If you feel more adventurous, then come along my Half-Day intensive LinkedIn Social Selling & Marketing Bootcamp: CLICK HERE
In case your budget has already been approved, give me a shout – we can do it all One to One or train the whole team CLICK HERE
If you feel too tied up with running the business, managing school runs or driving kids to and from the the afternoon swimming clubs, then let me know. I can do it all for you, just drop me a message CLICK HERE