Are you frustrated that your online marketing and website are not up to the task in terms of generating enough new business and targeted leads?
Our custom Workshops and Seminars will help you discover how to systematically drive and build relationships with cold prospects, drive traffic and generate high value leads using the power of LinkedIn.
Is your business growing as fast as you’d like?
It maybe a cliché to say that our world is changing faster and faster each day, but the evidence is hard to ignore. Today’s challenges require us to work with new and very different marketing channels all the time.
Do you know that:
92% of marketers say that social media is important to their business
80% of all B2B social leads come from LinkedIn
46% of social media traffic to company websites come from LinkedIn
64% of all social media visits to corporate websites come from LinkedIn
80% of LinkedIn members want to connect with other companies on the platform
50% of LinkedIn members say they are more likely to buy from companies they engage with on Linkedin*
(*source: Hubspot & LinkedIn)
Can you guarantee that your business will exist in 5 to 10 year time?
Change is an inevitable fact of life. Being unaware is no longer an option, disruption happens all the time, in every industry, sector or business.
What would it meat to you personally, if you ensure that your business exists in 2022 and beyond? And not just exist, but thrive!
Well, the best option for you today is to invest – in your skills and knowledge.
What we cover at Workshops:
Tailored LinkedIn training programme
Best practices and strategies for achieving Social Selling and Lead Generation goals
Learn how to reach qualified prospects and leads using LinkedIn
Optimise the Company and Personal LinekedIn pages
Help to deliver Product / Service / Brand marketing through LinkedIn
Learn how to convert leads into paying clients
Help create a long-term solution for the client acquisition and engagement​
Who is the training for:
Marketing Professionals
Sales Professionals
Business Owners
Team & Business
Product Managers
Trades People
We'll be speaking about:
Learn how to capture an engaging audience.
How to improve your profile and attract highly targeted leads
Engaging with your target market.
Paid vs Organic
GDPR: Will it affect your business and how to stay on the right side of law
plus more
What is included in the price:
Customised content to your needs
Interactive training with practical examples and know-hows
Training materials
Follow up support
Denis Zekic
Denis Zekic is University lecturer, Amazon best selling author and senior online specialist with vast expertise in both B2C and B2B sales and marketing sectors.
Denis’ experience stretches from local SME's to multimillion turnover eCommerce and Digital Marketing operations across UK, Europe and Globally, including some market leading international organisations.
Denis is the Winner of E-Commerce Awards organised by the UK Government initiative "UK online for business"​ and was involved in many strategic and high level digital channel implementations.
Denis is a well regarded international digital specialist and regularly appears at various Industry Events and International Conferences as a Speaker, Board Member and Chair.
“Brilliant overview of LinkedIn Marketing and superb tips to use! Denis is Enthusiastic and Engaging, excellently presents the content…” TW
“Clear, engaging & interesting content…” DH
“Informative and thought provoking… Knowledgeable, offers tips… Engaging and funny…” SP
“Very personable, easy to listen to, inspiring…” BW
“Learned great tips how target customers and build client base…. Very informative… Easy to learn advice and tips from…” AR
“Understanding the scope and interaction of Media platforms made me realise I have to embrace the digital age and get over my fear of using the SM channels to promote my business”. LR
“Very experienced and knowledgeable presenter who provided me with more confidence to use social media” LG
“Excellent speaker & content… Will help me to get a proper structure & strategy for growing my biz.” SB
“Great content, knowledge and confidence in achieving a focused presentation that was clear, maintained interest and inspiring…” LR
“I really enjoyed the seminar and found it useful. Well spoken with lots of experience, expertise and credibility" JB